Saturday, August 2, 2008

Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)

BUY It Now
Director: Takashi Miike

Synopsis: An American journalist goes to a Japanese whorehouse to find his lost love.

My Take: I watched Imprint a while back, but it took a while to fully grasp this episode. This was my first taste of Miike, and I gotta say I want more.


Great story telling technique. I am not sure of his motivations, but Miike insisted on Japanese actors who clearly didn't know English. Thank god for the aforementioned American journalist character. Billy Drago's laughably bad performance synced up nicely with the rest of the acting.

But I barely noticed it...

Because Miike's unusual casting decisions only allowed me to focus completely on the story, not the delivery. Meanwhile, he had me mesmerized by what I saw on screen. Some things were painful for me to watch (and that takes a lot in horror) but I COULD NOT LOOK AWAY. And I tried...oh I tried...

Unlike anything the genre has given me before, I would say. What a great feel this one had. It was eerie, creepy, disgusting.

The Rundown:
  • Ok I think you lost me: Did Miike run out of money near the end? I am not sure how I felt about gremlin hand. Bad special effects.
  • Best acting: Dead fetus # 671.
  • Best use of a dead pregnant woman's belly: Poke it with an oar.

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