Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Return in Red (2007)

BUY It Now
Director: Tyler Tharpe

Synopsis: Small town life is disturbed by a mysterious van with electromagnetic mind control equipment.

My Take: Ah, small town life. Full service gasoline. Everybody knows your name. You can walk the streets without fearing for your safety. Until electromagnetic waves control everyone's mind, turning them into...something. There. I just saved you from watching the first hour of the movie.

Nothing really happens for a while. Even though I enjoyed the feel of the movie and the setting, it had a slow set up with characters I really don't like or feel for. Tharpe taps a Psycho style twist, somewhere in the middle, which leaves the viewer more confused than horrified.

It sounded a lot more interesting than it turned out to be.

The Rundown:
  • Biggest Disappointment: The cause of the "zombies" in this one sounds original until it plays out. Much more could have been done with the idea.
  • Best Death: The deaths were few but decent. One of the "zombies" stabs himself through the roof of his mouth. But the trophy goes to the forklift stabbing and decapitation.

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