Friday, July 4, 2008

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Director: George A. Romero

Synopsis: Johnny and Barbara are visiting a relative's grave when they get their first encounter with the reanimated dead. Barbara escapes to a nearby farmhouse where she and a few others must survive the night.

My take: This is the zombie movie that every future zombie movie is jealous of. George A. Romero's brand of horror always comes with not-so-subtle social commentary. I love how we get a look at a segment of different peoples' reactions. There is the almost catatonic Barbara, who alternates between being in shock and being annoyingly over-emotional. Then you have the paranoid family man who is only looking out for his own when it comes down to it. Of course, there is my favorite, the guy who looks at the situation logically and acts accordingly.

Bravo to Romero for making the intelligent hero a black guy right in the middle of the Civil Rights era.

The Rundown:
  • I count 6 deaths.
  • My favorite scene: I loved the special effects when the group is trying to gas up the truck and gets eaten. It made me hungry for wings.
  • The best death: Sorry to spoil, but the father dies. Then again, the douchebags in horror movies usually die so we all saw that coming. But what makes Mr. Cooper's death great is who is eating him. Very appropriate...


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