Saturday, July 5, 2008

House of the Dead 2 (2005)

Director: Michael Hurst

Synopsis: There's a zombie outbreak on a college campus. A month later someone decides to do something about it. A team of scientists and soldiers are sent to the campus to get a sample of the virus so a cure can be found. They only have a few hours to accomplish their mission before the campus is destroyed by missiles.

My Take: Why didn't they use a radio or a cell phone to call the people shooting the missiles? Anyway.... As you can imagine the whole crew doesn't make it through the campus alive. The movie is pretty much just the team getting dwindled down while poor attempts for side-plots keep cropping up.

There was really no depth to the characters. The writing is terrible. The zombies are not scary or creepy. In fact, I think they forgot to put zombie make-up on some of them. By the way, they call the zombies "Hypersapiens". Gay.

Don't waste your time on this one unless it is 4am and the only other thing on TV is "Growing Pains". On second thought, if it is on TV they cut out the one good scene.... Stick with "Growing Pains".
The Rundown:
  • Moron Award: The team is just a bunch of idiots the whole way through, but they make their biggest boner when they decide to go back into the zombie infested building to complete their mission after losing 90% of the team.
  • Best Idea: Even though his plan was way over complicated and only served for a throw-away suspense scene, Ellis (Ed Quinn) smears zombie goo all over him like Arnold smearing mud on himself in Predator. The idea is that the zombies will think he is one of them by hiding his living flesh scent. They should bottle that stuff up like deer piss. I'd buy it.

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