Friday, July 4, 2008

Day of the Dead (2008)

Director: Steve Miner

Synopsis: A group of survivors are looking for a place to bunker down when the zombie outbreak begins.

My Take: This movie got terrible reviews. I almost wrote it off when I found out Nick Cannon plays a main character. I watched it out of curiosity and I am so glad I did. While it was lacking in story, Day offers great action. The fight scenes are great and the zombie kills are imaginative. Nick Cannon even does a good job. He was very convincing as the reluctant hero.

The writing is pretty poor and I didn't like the zombies so much in this one but the action and imagination save it from being all that bad.

Straight to video. Probably for the best, but still worth your time to check it out.

The Rundown:
  • My Favorite Scene: The fight scene when Balthazar (Nick Cannon) rigs a spear out of a bone saw when they leave the hospital.
  • My Second Favorite Scene: The chaos at the hospital when the outbreak first occurs is interesting to see.
  • Worst Part: The zombies are not only "fast zombies", they can climb walls and ceilings like Spiderman on crack. This completely defies zombie physics.

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