Friday, July 4, 2008

Diary of the Dead (2007)

Director: George A. Romero

Synopsis: Said to take place concurrently with Night of the Living Dead, Diary offers another point of view of the original zombie outbreak.

My Take: I am glad Romero had a chance to show us modern day reactions to a zombie outbreak. Having said that, this one is for the die-hard fans only. The low budget can be blamed for the poor acting. And while the First Person point-of-view is interesting and somewhat original (to the horror genre), the gimmick gets old after a while.

I spent the entire movie waiting for a climax that never came.

Points for originality and the social commentary.

The Rundown:
  • Worst Scene: The never happened.
  • Best Scene: While the characters acted like idiots during the hospital scene, it was interesting to see the state of affairs of the hospital after a zombie attack.

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